Hopi School

The Hopi School, Hopitutuqaki, was originally conceived as a year-around arts magnet school, using the strengths of students (arts) as the center of the curriculum. The school will use Hopi language, culture and values as the means to presenting a curriculum that satisfies Arizona state standards but is derived from a Hopi perspective and nurtures rather than oppresses Hopi students. The Hopi School offers traditional craft classes that encourage Native American students to experiment with their creativity. Craft classes include belt weaving, screen printing and glass blowing.
With an eagerness to learn, students create art pieces that depict the Hopi culture. While creating distinctive art pieces, the school’s objective is to preserve the traditional culture and promote greater awareness of their own identity.
The Hopi School employs highly skilled and attentive instructors who embody the Hopi culture. Offering summer classes for ages ranging from pre-school to adult, the school fosters a sense of community that encourages innovation.
The goal of the Hopi school is to inspire an appreciation for Hopi culture while bringing out the artistic talents of their students. The artist instructors want to see students leave the Hopi School feeling confident in their artistic abilities and in the creative process. The hope is that while the students immerse themselves in their art, they also focus on the values and traditions of the rich Hopi culture.
Engross yourself in the Native American Hopi culture and find a class that interests you.
You can call 928-737-9275 for questions, to register for a class, or to provide a scholarship for a needy student. For as little as $60.00 you can send a student to a week-long program. Help the Hopi to keep their culture alive.